With women, for another Europe, in another world

Demonstration for women's rights in Europe

Wednesday 12th November 2003
Assemble: 5.30pm, Parc de la Berg
ère, Bobigny
etro station: Pablo Picasso, then tram to the stop Parc de la Bergère


A demonstration will be held at the end of the European Assembly for Women's Rights, a meeting that will unite 2,000 people representing 160 organisations from 37 countries.

Against the neoliberal and patriarchal policies that discriminate particularly against women;
Against the macho and fundamentalist economic powers-that-be;
Against violence and discrimination, in the private sphere as well as the public sphere;
Against inequalities between men and women at work;
Against a Europe that threatens the gains made by and for women in many countries, as well as the social rights of all men and women;
Against the exclusionary policies of Fortress Europe;
For equality between women and men in all spheres.

The undersigned organisations and associations call on people to join the demonstration for the rights of women in Europe, a demonstration through the streets of Bobigny, a demonstration that will pause at symbolic sites, such as, for example, the courthouse at Bobigny where Marie-Claire Chevalier was tried 31 years ago for having an abortion.

This demonstration will join up with the opening ceremony of the European Social Forum at Bobigny.